Consultation on the Isle of Wight river basin catchment
We held a preliminary consultation on our draft DWMP in September and October 2021. The purpose of the consultation was to gain feedback and advice from our customers and organisations on our developing Plan.
We specifically asked about:
- Our Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report
- Our selection of wastewater systems to take forward into the Options Development and Appraisal stage of the DWMP in the first cycle, and
- Our developing plans on each of the 11 river basin catchments.
Our report on the initial DWMP consultation is now available.
When we consulted on the developing plans for the Isle of Wight you told us that the key issues we needed to take into consideration were:
- The DWMP should develop a whole life water cycle approach joining up surface water / wastewater recycling with water supply.
- Wider opportunities to align with other economic and environmental strategies that consider how we manage issues such as summer water shortages, reducing carbon use, improving / increasing nature corridors and achieving Nutrient Neutrality should be part of the DWMP.
- Capacity issues at Sandown must be addressed to support new development.
- Combined systems should be separated to prevent flooding and new development should be prevented from draining surface waters to sewers.
- Flooding hotpots should be mapped.
- Shared funding for an enforcement officer should be considered to ensure planning guidelines on creep are not contravened.
How we responded to the issues raised during the workshops and the preliminary public consultation is set out in our Register of Stakeholder Comments.
We held a full 12 week public consultation on the draft Regional (Level 1) DWMP between Monday 13 June and Monday 05 September 2022. Our Statement of Response to the issues raised is published on the home page of our website, and a report and analysis on the consultation is published on the Have your say page.