Help shape the future of water

Southern Water has joined forces with other water companies around the UK to help shape the future of water through innovation and collaboration – and is calling on everyone to get involved and be part of the conversation.


Since the start of this year and during lockdown, Southern Water has been building on strong existing networks working with 19 water and wastewater companies in the UK and UKWIR (UK Water Industry Research), to produce a new strategy to transform the sector through innovation over the next 30 years.


It includes themes that will guide Ofwat’s £200m innovation fund, giving partners and suppliers of all sizes an opportunity to innovate more easily and efficiently across the whole sector.


“The future of water lies in all of our hands,” said Southern Water Chief Executive Ian McAulay. “We’re absolutely delighted to be working with others around the country, combining minds and resources to find innovative solutions to issues – today and the future.


“It’s very important to involve others in this conversation, and everyone is invited to shape how we do this together. There are definitely some big decisions to be made. Being part of this work and furthering this conversation is a great step forward.”


A new draft innovation strategy briefing document will be published and available on a new central hub website, representing all involved.


This strategy will be openly developed with key stakeholders over the next two months.


Innovation Manager at Southern Water, Elin Williamson, said: “We’ve been building on our already strong relationships across the country to create this joint strategy, which will transform the way we deliver innovation across our industry.


“Our vision is to create open collaboration opportunities across the water sector to drive transformational change through innovation that delivers greater value for our customers and the environment.”


Those intrigued to find out more and who want to be part of this ongoing conversation can sign-up here.