Diesel Spill River Test - Near Nursling Industrial Estate

Southern Water is not responsible for this diesel spill but is working hard to mitigate the environmental impact this may have.

A robust and regular maintenance schedule for the outfall where the surface drain with the diesel has been emerging has long been in place. The site has been properly maintained and flows are not restricted by any blockages.

The outfall always has booms in place to prevent the escape of general run off  and debris– due to the nature of the industrial estate there will always be some from traffic and business activity especially after rainfall.

The booms have been regularly replaced during this sad incident and we are also using specialist equipment to remove and clean contaminated water for re-introduction to the river.

On 15th June 2021 the EA received a report from environmental consultants working for a company on an industrial estate close to the River Test that oil had been found in their groundwater monitoring wells and was found to be entering the surface water drainage system especially during heavy rainfall events. The surface water drain is designed to take rainwater run-off only into the river.

Our initial investigation located the source of the pollution to be the industrial estate. The pollution was the result of a large quantity of chemicals entering the surface water drain. The oil originates from the industrial estate and is neither a wastewater nor a CSO release.

 We recognise the location is a sensitive and internationally important natural habitat and whilst primary responsibility for any further clean-up or remediation lies with the polluter, we are working closely with them and Natural England to ensure the impact to the environment is minimised. While it appears that there was only one incident of an oil spill, it continues to reach the river as rainfall continues to flush it through the surface water system.

 Whilst the pollution is not a consequence of any Southern Water activities, we are doing our utmost to help the situation and protect the environment. We will continue to assist the situation and take steps to minimise the risk of further pollutions from the Industrial Estate to both the watercourse and groundwater in the area.