Response to SOS Whitstable protest

We take all the concerns about the performance of all our works very seriously and are committed to protecting the environment in which we operate, which is no more than our customers expect.

We are listening to the concerns being raised and working to ensure their concerns are met.

A £20 million investment is being made in our Swalecliffe works to extend the short sea outfall and upgrade the pumping and control systems. This will significantly reduce the risk of spills to the beaches or inland waterway and we expect to have this scheme completed in late 2024.

We have been assessing the options to better manage storm water during periods of high rainfall. In discussion with the Environment Agency, we have agreed the installation of permanent pumps and pipework to take the flow from the combined sewer overflow (CSO) chamber to storm tanks and release via the short sea outfall, away from the Tankerton beach and the brook. We are working with our delivery partners to have this up and running by the end of November 2021. By the end of October we will also have improved the resilience of Brook Road pumping station.

We are also conducting a significant survey across the whole of Thanet to help us target areas where significant quantities of rainwater get into our sewer system and contribute to our reliance on the storm overflow system which protects homes, schools and businesses but causes concern to kayakers, windsurfers and others likely to be using waters close to our long sea outfalls.

With a near £2 billion investment being made in our wastewater assets and on environmental projects between 2020 and 2025, our focus will always be to serve our customers, protect the environment and ensure our place as a key driver of regional economies.