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Southern Water Acts Against Illegal Water Hydrant Use

Southern Water Acts Against Illegal Water Hydrant Use

Southern Water has secured convictions of a company illegally taking water from its network after an operation by the Network Connection Enforcement Team caught workers filling a tanker using an unauthorised standpipe.


Save Our Harbours Summit Commits to Action

Nature-based solutions not sticking plasters are needed to future-proof the environment and economy in two of the South East's harbours

Action must address root causes and not put a sticking plaster on symptoms, in order to future-proof the natural capital of Chichester and Langstone harbours and protect the environment, the economy and the local community, a multi-industry summit has agreed.

Japanese Knot Weed - a major problem invasive species

Southern Water Invests to Battle Invasive Species

Alien species are assailing our island home - but Southern Water is investing to protect our environment from harmful invaders and working in partnership to stop the spread of Invasive Non-Native Species. 

"Invasive Non-Native Species Week will take place between the 24th and 30th of May this and is an important time to raise awareness of the harm invasive species can do - and what we can all do to check their spread," said Tom Alexander, one of Southern Water's team of ecologists. 

Southern Water appoints Katy Taylor as new Chief Customer Officer

Southern Water welcomes Katy Taylor to a newly-created role of Chief Customer Officer.
Her appointment to the role and the Executive Leadership Team is an important step forward in Southern Water's commitment to make significant progress in the service it provides to consumer and commercial customers.