Temporary Use Ban (TUB) - Report a breach

A ’Temporary Use Ban’ (TUB) has been introduced for household customers in certain areas receiving their water supply from us. The TUB introduces restrictions on using water, to help protect the rivers where much of our fresh water comes from.

We’re asking our customers to help protect our rivers by following the restrictions. So if you see a neighbour, family or friend in the affected areas, using water for the restricted activities, we’re asking you to give them a gentle reminder about the restrictions in place. More details about the restrictions can be found on our website.

Although we do have powers to fine customers up to £1000 if they ignore the ban, we hope it won’t come to this. If you want to report a breach of the ban, please fill in the form below.


Some of our customers may be exempt

Blue badge holders are automatically exempt from several restrictions and do not need to apply for an exemption.

Customers who are on our Priority Services Register for reasons of reduced mobility aren’t exempt and need to apply for an exemption.


If you want to report a breach of the restrictions, please fill in the form below

* are mandatory fields.