Littlehampton Golf Club to help save water and bills by building onsite reservoir

We’re supporting Littlehampton Golf Club to build a new reservoir

With the South East region being officially water-stressed, Littlehampton Golf Club has come up with a plan to save water, become more self-sufficient and reduce its water bills.

The Golf Club is planning to build an onsite reservoir and use the water captured to water its fairways and greens reducing the amount of water it uses from the mains network. The Golf Club estimate the new reservoir will save them approximately 131,000 litres of water a day which will significantly reduce their water bill.

We all need to do our bit to save water, and we are here to support customers and businesses to use less where we can. That’s why we’ve agreed to help fund this fantastic initiative by Littlehampton Golf Club which will help pay for consultants Environmental Solutions Ltd to facilitate this project due to complete in 2024. 

Gary Oatham, General Manager said: "We have an exciting reservoir project at the planning stage and Kim and Martin from Southern Water have made us aware of some grants and funds that are available to assist us with water harvesting.  We must all do what we can to reduce the reliance on mains water, and this will mean Littlehampton Golf Club is doing its bit."